Penn and Teller did a bit like this on Saturday Night Live many years ago. They did all this cool stuff and at the end, revealed they were hanging upside-down. The live audience was in on the joke, but people watching on TV had to wonder what was going on.
K M almost 13 years ago
And they don’t fall from the ceiling-mounted table? An even better trick?
jmcx4 almost 13 years ago
They make glue out of horses, you know…
zero almost 13 years ago
Dark matter. . ..
Buzza Wuzza almost 13 years ago
WaitingMan almost 13 years ago
Penn and Teller did a bit like this on Saturday Night Live many years ago. They did all this cool stuff and at the end, revealed they were hanging upside-down. The live audience was in on the joke, but people watching on TV had to wonder what was going on.
InTraining Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Melody must be…. high…. ! ! !
samuli creator almost 13 years ago
DSotH (along with some other GoComics strips) is late being updated today…
samuli creator almost 13 years ago
… but you can read it here