Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for March 25, 2012
Dad: Baldo, take out the trash. Baldo: You cannot deny my right to self-destiny! Dad: then go clean your room. Baldo: Only dictators impose their will on freedom-loving people! Dad: Then finish your homework... or else! Baldo: More regulations on my educational achievements never work! Dad: And by the way, we're going to church at noon. Baldo: Imposing your religious beliefs on everybody is un-american! Dad: We need to cancel or cable service. Tia Carmen: Stealing my freedom to watch telenovelas will not be tolerated!
Templo S.U.D. almost 13 years ago
Como sobrino nieto, como tía abuela. ¡Demasiada televisión política! (Like grandnephew, like grandaunt. Too much political television!)
robm almost 13 years ago
Panel four is the only one I can agree with Baldo on.
zoidknight almost 13 years ago
Why finish your homework? It is not like the teacher is going to grade it.
JR6019 almost 13 years ago
Parenthood shouldn’t be a democracy. It should be a loving and caring dictatorship.
hippogriff almost 13 years ago
Ather: You left out the initial “ba”. Remember what they recorded Jesus saying about homosexuality? [absolutely nothing]