Brutus: Did you notice I worked late last night to finish the Quigley report, as you requested?
Mr. Veeblefester: Mm-hmm.
Brutus: That's it? Don't I deserve a congratulations on a job well done?
Mr. Veeblefester: Congratulations on a job done.
pouncingtiger almost 13 years ago
When is that boss going to get the ax?
comics almost 13 years ago
What happened to all the sacks of $$$ that he used to keep sitting beside his desk?
Larhof52 almost 13 years ago
Sounds like my new boss that I’m going to get a transfer away from any day now.
Sportymonk almost 13 years ago
When y’all complainers leave your jobs, let me know so I can put in my resume. 2 Masters and I am working 16 hrs a week P/T and looking.
REDROCKER51 almost 13 years ago
excuse me…the strip is called " Born Loser"…LOL
cvdemers almost 13 years ago
This boss often dishes out unwarranted, disrespectful abuse. However, in today’s third panel, he simply said what many bosses want to say to some ego-centric people working for them, begging undue praise.
KA7DRE Premium Member almost 13 years ago
Yes, there are many bosses out there that walk all over their employees to get where they are on todays corporate ladder.Sad, but true.