sorry my friend, but cats can hear their families can opener two miles away…even if stone deaf…i think they feel the vibrations…I only say that because before I only kept cats exclusively indoors, I had a deaf calico…she could be in the corn field 3 miles away and within 10 – 15 minutes there would come Callie streaking across the yard to come in and eat!
Linda Solomon over 12 years ago
sorry my friend, but cats can hear their families can opener two miles away…even if stone deaf…i think they feel the vibrations…I only say that because before I only kept cats exclusively indoors, I had a deaf calico…she could be in the corn field 3 miles away and within 10 – 15 minutes there would come Callie streaking across the yard to come in and eat!
Ed Brault Premium Member over 12 years ago
Try unzipping a bag of Kitty Treats!
tbritt99 over 12 years ago
pam Miner over 12 years ago
they have just been adopted by a cat!When one of my sons was about 4th grade he had a cat “follow him home”
el8 over 12 years ago
our cat can tell time; she lets me know when she’s ready to eat