Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for March 22, 2012
Poi: What are you doing? Rip: Haywires grieve by kicking butt! And I'm really, really mournful! I call this search and rescue, Haywire style - it's pretty unstoppable. Poi: Stop him, crystal. Crack crack. You double-crossing hag! Crystal: Whatevs! You didn't just get your braces off, madame poi!
SackofRabidWeasels almost 13 years ago
I didn’t know UCLA had internships for aspiring henchmen.
mntim almost 13 years ago
Crystal’s next performance review is going spend a lot of time on her lack of motivation.
StoicLion1973 almost 13 years ago
For two not-so-odd reasons, I’m strangely attracted to Crystal!
tinachambers almost 13 years ago
i like crystal too. She’s feisty
Dragoncat almost 13 years ago
That Crystal is one smart girl. She knows that taking on Rip Haywire does not include a dental plan.
Uncle_Bad almost 13 years ago
Oh that Rip. He can be pretty disarming. (And dis-thumbing. Where is his right thumb in the first panel?)
DorianKTB almost 13 years ago
Hmm, wonder if Crystal might have a job with Team Haywire if she reforms? :-)
GypsyWoman almost 13 years ago
I like Crystal. She is smart. Bring her on Team Haywire. Madame Poi’s is having an “Out of Business” Sale.
Linda Solomon almost 13 years ago
Its going great thanks to Chrystal!.HugPounceszzz Haywire Hooligans!