@Tony Carrillo. Maybe my head is inserted in my backside, but I actually like this strip. call me crazy, but I think it’s funny. On the other hand, whenever I see a strip I dislike, I do NOT read it and never comment on it. It’s kinda rude but then anonymous critics seem to abound here…. Large rock to crawl under… table for one
@Tacopielvr, I get it, but, that aside, what is the point of insulting the artist anonymously? And, by the way, many people consider this strip in general to be one of the best. Not every joke is going to hit home with every person.
F minus is one of my favorite comics. (Some may say this is sacrilege, but I actually think it’s like the Far Side, only funnier.) Today’s strip didn’t make me laugh out loud, but definitely make me smile. It took me a moment to get the joke. I like that in a comic.
revisages over 12 years ago
buddy, you’re the one who needs help. that’s mr cooper, alright
Jaymi Cee Premium Member over 12 years ago
This one I do not get.
MelvinLott over 12 years ago
Yet you read this horrible strip…..
MelvinLott over 12 years ago
@Tony Carrillo. Maybe my head is inserted in my backside, but I actually like this strip. call me crazy, but I think it’s funny. On the other hand, whenever I see a strip I dislike, I do NOT read it and never comment on it. It’s kinda rude but then anonymous critics seem to abound here…. Large rock to crawl under… table for one
PNmom06 over 12 years ago
Sometimes this strip cracks me up.If you don’t like it, don’t read it – and keep your rude comments to yourself.
mcdev8367 over 12 years ago
Looks like Bert Cooper from the show Mad Men
konradh over 12 years ago
@Tacopielvr, I get it, but, that aside, what is the point of insulting the artist anonymously? And, by the way, many people consider this strip in general to be one of the best. Not every joke is going to hit home with every person.
Peter Gruenbaum Premium Member over 12 years ago
F minus is one of my favorite comics. (Some may say this is sacrilege, but I actually think it’s like the Far Side, only funnier.) Today’s strip didn’t make me laugh out loud, but definitely make me smile. It took me a moment to get the joke. I like that in a comic.
vldazzle over 12 years ago
I don’t understand WHY people read comics that they don’t like
konradh over 12 years ago
LIke much of Carrillo’s stuff, there is more than one level to the joke.