Dean: No! Wait! You don't want to do this! I can tell! I feel the conflict inside you! Boy: Hang on...where have I heard that before? Boy: Are you trying some Jedi mindtrick on me?! Dean: No, it was more of a luke/darth thing, but nevermind.
Devils Knight over 12 years ago
Dean trick the Spumanti brothers into fighting each other over who gets to hit you first
CCMMJJ over 12 years ago
Actually it’s more of a Emperor thing and he also knows the ways of the Force.
Wait a minute…did that sound too geeky?
runar over 12 years ago
Does that mean that the Spumanti kid is Dean’s father?
runar over 12 years ago
Fiancee and two girlfriends? Great! How are the four of you getting along, and do you all sleep in the same bed?
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
Now’s not the time for semantics, Dean. You’re about to die.
Are2Dee2 over 3 years ago
Hee Hee