Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 26, 2012
Bucky: What did you think of my new story? Rob: Well, if you ever think of a plot, jot it down. Any plot I'm not picky. Bucky: Frankly, I'm having problems with the middle of this book. Rob: You and me both. Like when your cat goes off to fight zombies but then you spend the next nine pages talking about birds on a power line. Bucky: It's meant to be like "Ulysses." Rob: It came to like useless-es.
Varnes over 12 years ago
A meditation on our feathered friends, if you will…Ten little, nine little, eight little birdies… little, six little, five little birdies….four little, three little, two little birdies and one more for desert! The End.
Varnes over 12 years ago
naturally_easy, from yesterday…. and sniff…..
falstaff2 over 12 years ago
In Bucky’s case, it’s stream of unconsciousness.
falstaff2 over 12 years ago
I love it – the whole messy crew! Darby Conley must be an animal lover to write it. I wonder how many pets he has.
falstaff2 over 12 years ago
I’m so glad I can see it by just clicking on it on my google page as before without having to find it on the web.
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Feline ADD
daphilli over 12 years ago
i found Ulysses hard to follow too.
rshive over 12 years ago
Zombie books tend to be stream of unconsciousness.
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 12 years ago
One does wonder a bit just what is in the smithy of Bucky’s soul these days.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
Or maybe “Moby Zombie”. Herman Melville’s Great Big Book is pretty nonlinear too, and it has a lot of long digressions about Stuff. (Still more fun to read than Ulysses, though.)
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
“Stately, plump Bucky Mulligan…”
orinoco womble over 12 years ago
At this rate it’ll be a classic. And I’ll be forced to teach it to my students.Few people know that the entire first printing of Ulysses was burned because the publisher decided it was too risky. Why, oh why did he change his mind and have it printed and distributed?
So technically there is no such thing as “first edition” of Ulysses.
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Rob needs to dig a plot and bury Bucky in it.
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Piers Anthony is the same way. He’ll start expositioning one plot point and then spend 10 pages describing some minutiae ‘til you’re ready to scream “Enough!” But he is a great writer.
[Unnamed Reader - 3a23b5] about 1 year ago
I’d read his book! – Ima Katt