Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 05, 2012
Edna: Remember when we... Ed: No. Edna: No what? Ed: I don't remember. Edna: You don't remember what? Ed: Well, if I knew that I'd remember. Edna: You're not making any sense! Ed: Hey, you're the one who brought it up. Edna: Remind me to not try starting a conversation with you again. Ed: I was hoping I just did. Memories with Ed & Edna
Linguist over 12 years ago
It’s called " Selective Memory ". I get accused of having that ,and "Selective Hearing ", all the time !
Agent54 over 12 years ago
Translated for people who do not understand Ed. Shut Up Your Mouth – I trying to watch TV.
mrbribery over 12 years ago
thanks for the memories!
wdpeck over 12 years ago
Mutual avoidance – the key to a happy marriage!
Aussie Down Under over 12 years ago
My elderly mother-in-law doesn’t have trouble remembering things. It’s the R.S.S. that drives everyone insane. (Repetitive Story Syndrome).
jreckard over 12 years ago
Stop me if you’ve heard this.
Varnes over 12 years ago
gmartin, Hey, hey, I intend to be an old man someday…(Only sixty, now…)….so settle down…
Man, I was going ask Wiley a question but, I can’t remember what it was……somethin’ about somethin’….
Does anybody have any chocolate pudding?
King_Shark over 12 years ago
Maybe the entire cast of Mary Worth can try this technique on Wilbur and Dawn to make them stop going onandonandonandon about their ship sinking experience.
Varnes over 12 years ago
jreckard, pause….please pause….
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
Man, that’s The Bickersons and The Lockhorns all rolled into one!
zoidknight over 12 years ago
Yes, and the correct answer should always be “Yes, now be quiet.”
yimhere over 12 years ago
For many of us, this is a recurring dream…. or nightmare, depending on how you remember it. Whatever…..
Mostly Water Premium Member over 12 years ago
Edna, it might help if you toss the TV out the window and whack him on the head with a rubber mallet. He would remember that… unless you whack him too hard.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
Somehow I suspect Wiley doesn’t have fond memories of wedded bliss…has anyone seen a strip of his that depicted a loving couple?
William Bednar Premium Member over 12 years ago
“Does anybody have any chocolate pudding?”#That reminds me of the time when…#Hey, wait, did you hear the joke about the Rabbi and the Taliban Terrorist? Well, a Rabbi walks into a bar, sees the Terrorist and starts singing “:Hey Mr. Taliban, tali-me banana”.#Oh, heck, I forget what happens next!
guru2u over 12 years ago
A lot of people my age are having memory issues, but mine must be getting better. My wife says I’m remembering things that never even happened!
DrJKnows over 12 years ago
Hey! It’s just us seniors’ way of memory refresh. We have to refresh every few minutes or else it’s gone forever. So in summary, let me repeat . . . Wait, what was I saying?? Oh well, it’s a good thing we can still drive.
dabugger over 12 years ago
So much of America. BURNT OUT!
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
“You mean she’s one of those ’Did I ever tell you about the time………’That’s usually the province of old men."It’s also the province of old women. My mom was a past master at it, and as you, a frequent commenter, can see, I’m there now. However, I believe that as of yet I can recall when I’ve mentioned something before. Give me ten years, or maybe five. . . .
padgetster over 12 years ago
About the only thing husbands can do to keep from talking to their spousal units is to fake that the question has been asked, then answer it definitively just as Ed has done.It works most every time, however, so long as you can prevent your spousal unit from reading Non Sequitur, that’s all the better, for then your secret is safe.
Fan o’ Lio. over 12 years ago
I love circular logic, but this conversation doesn’t make the full circle.
joe vignone over 12 years ago
Women seem to remember everything. is it because they don’t have a woman to take care of?
BluePumpkin over 12 years ago
damdduck over 12 years ago
that is percisely why i am not married anymore. no wife, no kids, no bs, and no honey do list. total peace and quiet. and i drive highway tractor so i dont talk to a lot of people.