Charley: cut a slice
..add a litte slat.
..and enjoy the fruits of my labor!
rabbits: can you row faster, Please?
the audacity of that guy!
Is he eating out tomatoes again?!
Good Morning Crew,After a late night snack, suddenly the night air was disturbed by the loud crack of a 12 gauge, and the SS Vegie slowly sank beneth the waves. Never to be seen again?Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Yes, the audacity of the “Grower” eating one of “his” own tomatoes. Just grow your own way.
JP Steve Premium Member over 12 years ago
Okay, now those bunnies are starting to annoy me!!
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’ve been listening to way too much Fleetwood Mac of late.
Good Morning. Crew
dugharry over 12 years ago
Can you put tomatoes in a rabbit stew?
Allan CB Premium Member over 12 years ago
Put a bit of salt or mayo on that.Toss it between bread with bacon and lettus.
Gilbert over 12 years ago
Rabbit entitlements.
instigator20 over 12 years ago
Good Morning Crew,After a late night snack, suddenly the night air was disturbed by the loud crack of a 12 gauge, and the SS Vegie slowly sank beneth the waves. Never to be seen again?Have a GREAT DAY MATIE’S
MarshaHeimlich over 12 years ago
I prefer sugar on my tomato.
2Goldfish over 12 years ago
Enough of the giant bunnies and the gardening stuff…
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love it!! Charley has one up on them, at least this time!
Good afternoon Crew!
Charles Weir over 12 years ago
I’m surprised there were any for him to eat, and it looks like there were a couple more. Were the rabbits sick?
dianecliff over 12 years ago
Just enjoyed one of the fruits of my labor for lunch. Take that you waskally wabbits!
gobblingup Premium Member over 12 years ago
Good for you, Charley! Enjoy them all!! You deserve to enjoy the fruits of your labor.Hello Crew!
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I assume you’re referring to my Fleetwood Mac reference: Grow your own way vs Go Your Own Way.
Shikamoo Premium Member over 12 years ago
All this talk about food has made me hungry.
Good night Crew! I’m off to scrounge up some tomato, onion, garlic, carrots, celery and rabbit stew.
Did I just say rabbit stew? I’ve been reading these comics way too long.
rgcviper over 12 years ago
The nerve. How dare they?
And, good one, Shikamoo.
’Evening, Crew.