Monty by Jim Meddick for September 01, 2012
I always wanted to see Ken Burns documentary Shakers: Hands To Work, Hearts To God. And now with Tic Tac placebo Ritalin, I think I can do it. The Shakers... A godly people and good at making chairs... Um, maybe you'd better hand me another Tic Tac. But were they always so godly? And good at making chairs?... Yes. Most likely they were. Ok, maybe just keep 'em coming.
Varnes over 12 years ago
How good are they at talking to chairs? Heeee!!
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Monty does not realize the seriousness of his addiction! Remember, kids, don’t do Tic Tacs!
Randy B Premium Member over 12 years ago
I think I’d need unbreakable restraints to remain in front of that for long.
@Varnes, only the oldest Shakers do that.
Bobong over 12 years ago
howellgroup over 12 years ago
Monty is playing with FIRE! He will eventually need either a 12-step program or a dentist…or both. Stay tuned…
victornewman over 12 years ago
Sheesh..they say just one Tic-Tac can change the chemistry of your brain for life, it’s just not worth it, kids…stick to the boob-tube for the occasional escape from life’s burdens…of all the things I’ve lost, my mind I miss the most. (but the green Tic-Tacs are soooo tempting…)
victornewman over 12 years ago
BTW, Monty Nation, as long as Meddick has brought it up…has the current culture of labels on kids like ADD and other ‘disorders’ taken responsibility off parents for how active they are in raising their kids ie. perhaps the first five years eating nothing but @*#! and getting zero exercise might have something to do with their behavior, here’s a load of drugs to turn them into stone faced zombies…hey, just askin’, in a comic site anonymous kind of way…if you take something, no offence…
Jkiss over 12 years ago
OK I’ll admit it. I tried Tic Tacs once….. but I didn’t swallow.
Commentator over 12 years ago
What the… ??!!!I’m glad I don’t watch TV anymore.