Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for September 20, 2012
Alice: I don't think I remember you? Are you a new kid? Dill: No, but, Alice, I'm not a new kid. Alice: You sure? You look new to me. You must be a new kid. Dill: No, I um, well, my shirts new. Miss Bliss: Alice! Come with me please. Alice: Hey! Dill: Actually my shirt isn't new- It's a hand-me-down. Oh no! Maybe I am a new kid!
margueritem over 12 years ago
Miss Bliss knows her too well, also.
Templo S.U.D. over 12 years ago
Oh great, Alice! Now you’ve traumatized “the new kid”! (I wonder what his name is. I think it’s Phil.)
Linux0s over 12 years ago
Are you the new principal?
unnormal over 12 years ago
Thanks for pointing that out . . . it was so well done that I missed it.Very clever, indeed.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Looks like Alice is going to have plenty of time to chill over a boy named Dill.
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
Last Th.
cdward over 12 years ago
Alice, determined to make everything new, will lead us all to a new beginning …
Or else she’s going to wake up and discover that all her years at Blisshaven were a dream.
scarbro over 12 years ago
Alice provokes an existential crisis in her adoring Dill. Says something about marriage, I’d say.
Sisyphos over 12 years ago
Yesterday I asked, where is Miss Bliss when she is needed? Today, she makes a remarkable, two-part appearance to deal with the Alician Grumpies….
MisterFweem over 12 years ago
Good thing Miss Bliss showed up. Dill was about to be Pompeied.
celeconecca over 12 years ago
poor dill. so, grumpy gives you amnesia?
Mopman over 12 years ago
Go back and read how this storyline started. She was crabby and her mom said something about how “the day is filled with new things she’s never seen” and she’s treating everything as if she didn’t see it before.
einarbt7 over 12 years ago
Again poor Dill.
tazz555 over 12 years ago
Sigh 3 more days
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
I think Alice is in a spot of trouble!
angusdad over 12 years ago
okay, another kid that will need therapy
mike_slmi over 12 years ago
She is going to spend forever in timeout. I know the feeling.
grenoleno over 12 years ago
who here has guesses on how he will end this amazing strip in 3 more comics
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
What’s with the teacher in the last two panels?
Popeyesforearm over 12 years ago
Dill’s gonna need a lifetime of therapy.
skigypsy over 12 years ago
I will miss these kids!
Linux0s over 12 years ago