Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 05, 2012
Man: Thank you, bearded giant, for running off Zeke and his rogue Amish. When daughter brought you here years ago, I was doubtful. But now I see you're a good omen. Rip: Listen, Quaker oats, it's time to get those rogue Amish out of your rank, uncombed hair for good. Man: We are not violent people, big man. Rip: That's OK, I'm violent enough for everyone.
Veridian over 12 years ago
for some Reason this offering reminds me of the first Bar Scene in “The Quiet Man” 1952. If You haven’t seen it, do yourself a Favour and enjoy a true Hollywood Classic! HUGPOUNCESSZZZ!!!
johnrussco over 12 years ago
Violent? Rip? who’d a thought?
mrbribery over 12 years ago
the Magnificent Seven minus One!
rcb528 over 12 years ago
Just saw the Quiet Man (last half is best if you don’t have time for the whole thing) at the Stanford Theatre (
Lyons Group, Inc. over 12 years ago
“Quaker Oats” [ Chuckle ], that’s a good one!
StoicLion1973 over 12 years ago
Whatever happened to Rip Haywire: Man of Peace?
mntim over 12 years ago
@StoicLionA man changes after spending two years in a semicomatose state.
DorianKTB over 12 years ago
Veridian, once again you prove to be a gent after my own heart with your love of THE QUIET MAN, one of Team Bartilucci’s top favorite movies! If you and/or the rest of our merry band of Haywire Hooligans are interested, here’s a link to our QUIET MAN review on my movie blog TALES OF THE EASILY DISTRACTED!
Ken in Ohio over 12 years ago
There was a similiar scerario in “The Witness” with Harrison Ford, I believe.
nj23nut over 12 years ago
That last line just might be one of my all-time favorite comic strip lines EVER!
mrbribery over 12 years ago
yes I did. why doesn’t this system let me edit my posts?