In opening sequences (and other scenes), an unimportant crew member frequently gets killed. Nearly always a security team member (red shirt). Moral? Don’t wear red.
Quite true, but it seems the red shirts seem to cross harm’s way a lot more often. But I think it all evens out in the end when they lose whole starships, like the Constellation, Exeter, Excalibur & Defiant.
Long ago and far away I had that quote set as the sound my computer made when Windows shut down and the comp turned off, and Scotty’s “Hello, computer” as the start sound.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
I’m a doctor, not a time keeper. Spock! Give me a hand!
celeconecca over 12 years ago
just when I thought it was safe to sip coffee again while reading this strip…
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
he’s dead Jim must be a really great line of which, I am not aware the implications.
MontanaLady over 12 years ago
hee hee hee hee………………………
Plods with ...™ over 12 years ago
Mama told him not to wear the red shirt, but would he listen??? NOooo!
Digital Frog over 12 years ago
Shut up Stan, I’m sick of your half-breed interference!
batfan13 over 12 years ago
ROFL! Start Trek ftw!
alviebird over 12 years ago
Also: Red Shirt
In opening sequences (and other scenes), an unimportant crew member frequently gets killed. Nearly always a security team member (red shirt). Moral? Don’t wear red.
burleigh2 over 12 years ago
Yeah… almost 60 years now, isn’t it? :-s
Dry and Dusty Premium Member over 12 years ago
Thumbs up, Ralph!
pair8head over 12 years ago
He’s Dead Jim, you get his tricorder and I’ll get his wallet.
GROG Premium Member over 12 years ago
Quite true, but it seems the red shirts seem to cross harm’s way a lot more often. But I think it all evens out in the end when they lose whole starships, like the Constellation, Exeter, Excalibur & Defiant.
water_moon over 12 years ago
Long ago and far away I had that quote set as the sound my computer made when Windows shut down and the comp turned off, and Scotty’s “Hello, computer” as the start sound.
Michelle Morris over 12 years ago
Today I actually had to use the phrase “Yo,Adrian!” to a guy.