Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 27, 2012
B.D.: Smart move putting Mrs. Romney on first... Voice: It's now my honor to introduce the future First Lady... B.D.: She warms Mitt up! Voice: She's been a stay-at-home mom, a PTA member, charity volunteer... B.D.: Yes! Very relatable! Voice: ... and proud co-owner of the German-bred, Oldenburg dressage mare who performed piaffes in London! Boopsie: Oh, dear. B.D.: No, no, no... Voice: Mrs. MIT ROMNEY!
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
MRS. Mitt Romney?!?!
Blood-Poisoning Vermin over 12 years ago
Yeah, that’s what they called wives in the old days, the Mrs. with their husband’s full name. “Mr. & Mrs. Joe Smith.” Try to reverse that with your wife’s name and see how much you like it. Myself, I prefer this 21st century.
arye uygur over 12 years ago
There may not even be a Republican Convention if Isaac has anything to do with it.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Ann drives a couple of Cadillacs, actually.”
—Mitt Romney, 2012 February 24, Detroit, Michigan
mrbribery over 12 years ago
it would be nice if she rode her horse up and down the aisles…
MiepR over 12 years ago
Why are these characters still Republicans?
greenbird over 12 years ago
There’s an “…and the horse she rode in on” joke in there somewhere.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“No one’s ever asked to see my birth certificate.”—Mitt Romney, 2012 August 24, Commerce, Michigan
Proginoskes over 12 years ago
@ St. Bernard: Whenever I send my Mom a birthday card, she insists that I address it to “Mrs. [husband’s name]”.
Proginoskes over 12 years ago
Ronald Reagan didn’t have a birth certificate until the mid 1960s.
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
Don’t forget the $77,000 tax break the Romneys got for owning that horse. Yep, they’re just like you and me.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“All at the same time ?”πWHAT all at the same time?
Kingoswald Premium Member over 12 years ago
My wife is an equine consultant and has many GOP supporters among her clients. So accusing Mrs. Romney of “elitism” would be the height of hypocrisy.
Fortunate for her that Hypocrisy is an important part of the GOP platform.
38lowell over 12 years ago
The MSM at work again!
tigre1 over 12 years ago
The reason they like horses is that nobody notices what a horses’ A they are…
wdgnas over 12 years ago
every correspondence i get from the republicans, i send it back on their dime, “please save us the price of a stamp and use your own” while adding a note to show more videos of the dancing horse. it’s tough to be a conservative these days.
corzak over 12 years ago
Oh boy! I can’t wait for Bush and Cheney’s speeches! The ‘passing of the baton’!
Linguist over 12 years ago
We dodged the bullet down here in South Florida as Isaac went out into the Gulf, but I am afraid that the people of New Orleans may not be so lucky. The irony of Isaac hitting land on the 7th anniversary of Huricane Katrina isn’t lost on the good people of Louisiana nor on the Republican Convention people.Romney will have to tread a fine line between elation and commiseration. Republicans don’t exactly have a very good reputation for sensitivity, particularly for those in need.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Everyone knows Romney is rich. That isn’t the issue. The hush hush nature of his wealth is a problem. The refusal to release his taxes is a problem when other modern candidates have all released much more than 2 years of returns. The fact that he says he pays about 13% on taxes is a problem. There is also the irony that Romney’s dad set the standard for modern candidates to release their tax info.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Of course, meanwhile, the GOP is desperately trying to portray the Romney family as normal, when they are really anything but. I saw on the news this morning where they were interviewing Ann about doing the laundry this weekend after having lots of guests. Wow. She does laundry.
corzak over 12 years ago
“Former Utah governor and Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman joined his father in criticizing Mitt Romney for not releasing more tax returns, taking a direct shot at the man he professes to support.”Anyone running for president should be willing to at least meet the standards required of those who will be appointed and confirmed by the Senate for senior executive branch positions. Something I’m familiar with having been confirmed three times," Huntsman said. “This is called leadership by example.”Huntsman had to disclose his own tax returns when he was confirmed by the Senate to be ambassador to Singapore, a deputy U.S. trade representative under President George W. Bush and most recently the U.S. ambassador to China . . . "article here
gigistrom over 12 years ago
Nearly all politicians on the national level were either born into wealth or became wealthy – otherwise they would not be able to afford to run for office. But you can have an attitude of “I deserve everything I have, and if you were unlucky enough to be born poor, tough – and if my riches can help me acquire further riches I deserve it;” or an attitude of “I was lucky enough to be born wealthy, and I want those less fortunate than I to have at least some opportunity to rise through decent education, health services, etc.”
There’s nothing wrong with being rich. There’s something wrong with being insensitive to the needs of the poor.
Tea_Pea over 12 years ago
“Mrs. Mitt”? Perfect.
Linguist over 12 years ago
It never ceases to amaze me that those people who cry the loudest about the government invading their lives and being overtaxed are the same people who will willingly allow the government to drastically change their lives by dismantling the very programs they rely on and support the very people who pay virtually no tax in comparison to themselves and who will do nothing to ameliorate this disparity.
Tetonbil over 12 years ago
Ok, I love Doonesbury. But, GT could ratchet it back a bit on his attacks on Mrs. Romney as she has been diagnosed with MS and uses riding as her therapy. Apparently, I should be more outraged at how the Romney’s spend their personnel income and time rather than how the current administration spends our tax dollars. Leave the attacks for the candidates, not the family members. Just saying…
Warren Wubker over 12 years ago
I wonder if Trudeau has any idea how many people, and especially women, are involved in dressage in the U.S.? I sure the Republicans appreciate his help.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Doesn’t every MS patient have a $500,000 horse with which to get their therapy?
kaffekup over 12 years ago
Shouldn’t that be “Mrs Willard Romney”? Is he ashamed of his real name? (Does he call her Lovey? Thurston Howell III?)
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
My mother is proudly Mrs. David _______. You guys are so incredibly arrogant.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I won’t say her name, but I did once know a famous woman who was married to a guy who wasn’t famous. He was practically known as MrTammy -—. It was kind of a tough thing for the guy, ego wise…
Dtroutma over 12 years ago
This horse is like folks entering “their” dogs at Westminster, having the professionals show them, in a display of ostentatious wealth. MS is serious, and equine therapy IS good for people with disabilities, but that’s not THIS horse.
Introducing “Mrs. Ann Romney” would also make her more “independent”, which, like MItt’s accumulated wealth, was NOT. Marrying money (yes, I know about John Kerry’s "ketchup connection) is more difficult than inheriting it, sometimes. Silver spoons don’t need polishing when inserted at birth.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
GOP thinks it motivates the rich to give them more $, while they think it motivates the poor to give them less $. GOP believes in redistribution of wealth far more than the Democrats, just in a different direction. Socialism for the rich is great, for the poor it is terrible.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I’m not sure what folks expect to see from Obama’s transcripts. It is on public record that he graduated magna cum laude from Harvard Law, which isn’t done by being a C student, for example. It means you are in the top 10% of your class.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
At Harvard Law, grades are assigned blindly, through a number, not a name.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“After my election, I have more flexibility.”πNot scary. Presumptuous maybe. But Obama’s not a scary person. Maybe to white racists who still can’t fathom a black man in power, but certainly not to most Americans.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Obama graduated HLS magna cum laude which means your GPA is 3.75-3.99. Magna cum laude = with great honor.Romney graduated HLS cum laude which means your GPA is 3.5-3.74. cum laude = with honor.I don’t think this is a game the GOP should want to pursue with Obama’s grades, but whatever.
Wowza over 12 years ago
Let’s hope Ron Paul gums up the works for all of ’em.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
I can speak only for myself, but I don’t “hope Ron Paul gums up the works for all of ’em.” I don’t hate Republicans, and I want the democratic system to work better, not worse, not all gummed up. It seems as though Wowza may simply be trying to gum up the works of this website. Hopefully not. What do you say, Wowza?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Ron Paul is just as anti-choice as the rest of the GOP gang. He is not at all in favor of reproductive rights for women. He has other problems too. Just because he is loose in terms of marijuana law, doesn’t mean he is a really great candidate, as some seem to think.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
True, we don’t know what is in his returns since he won’t release them, other than the 2 he released after he knew they would be scrutinized since he was running for prez.
Basqueian over 12 years ago
Actually, the horse part is about all I can identify with. And if you ask the average horse person, there’s a reason the phrase “dressage queen” is commonly used about the sport of dressage. It is the most anal, micromanaging, nitpicky sport there is, and some horses just cannot abide it, no matter how tallented. It is the only horse sport where you ride at a precise time, exactly as you are assigned, not one minute beore or after. As to the candidate, I can’t help but think of them as Ken and Barbie: they have everything, and he is about as changeable and soul-less as a plastic doll
kaffekup over 12 years ago
Yeah, as nasty as they are, I would like to see their works gummed up, since it seems to be a well (money) oiled machine to destroy democracy and replace it with an oligarchy.
water_moon over 12 years ago
Becuase people like Harry Ried who was born a coal miner’s son, are not only the token self made men, they are actually pretty high up in the ranks….
BE THIS GUY over 12 years ago
Wow, they delete your comments for sarcasm.
FriscoLou over 12 years ago
Gosh, first Alex & Leo get hitched, now it’s Mark & Maria. Don’t you love it when people unite with their soul mates? Bet they hit the Appalachian Trail for the honey moon.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Another GOP crazy guy has now stated that a rape pregnancy “is like having a baby out of wedlock.” this is Tom Smith, Senate candidate from Pennsylvania.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Tom Smith of Pennsylvania — here is another GOP crazy guy alert!
pbarnrob over 12 years ago
Campaign Season! “Where There’s Smoke… There May Be Mirrors!” (Everybody: Keep this in mind when the $#!/ flies…)
terryfitz2 over 12 years ago
Like most liberals, can’t refrain from attacking a guy’s family. Bleah!
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Tom Smith said that a rape pregnancy “is like having a baby out of wedlock.” Those are his words. It has nothing to do with attacking his family. It has everything to do with being tone deaf to women and the challenges they face. If you don’t know that the circumstance of a woman being raped and getting pregnant is different from getting pregnant from a relationship in which she was not raped, I think you have a major problem.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Regardless of whether or not she was married, rape is rape. If you are not married and get pregnant, this may be a challenge for you, or not. If you are raped and get pregnant, it is always a tragedy. Again, if you don’t understand the difference between those circumstances, I think you need a major reality check.
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
20 years ago we called them pigs, now we call them Republicans.
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
“It’s kinda’ like how Americans believe we have kangaroos hopping down the main streets of our major cities …”You mean you don’t? ;-)
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
Someone got way ahead of me on this. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist, either!)
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
I now hear that Chris Christie was Mittens’ first choice. CC turned him down because he thinks the GOP will lose, especially if they keep alienating women. Ya think?
montessoriteacher over 12 years ago
Who knows what CC is thinking in terms of running for prez. He told Oprah he would be ready to run in 2016, so I guess that could not have made Mittens too happy.
OleEddie over 12 years ago
Yep! I knew Gary would do it. He just can’t let any republican exist without putting lots of slime on him/her. Been doing it since Regan. Go to it Gary, empty your cesspool before it over flows. You’ve been holding back lately. You should have a good supply of lies and inuendos (sp) to hype. Have fun and collect your gold from the DNC crazies. Premium Member over 12 years ago
To quote another Republican — Whoops!! Premium Member over 12 years ago
The reports we get here are also “too much like the comics” — believe me, the comics are not too far off in the case of these morons.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
“Considering his intelligence, I’m surprised that B.D.‘s still a Republican ….”πConsidering his intelligence, I’m NOT surpried that B.D.’s still a Republican.
DylanThomas3.14159 over 12 years ago
I suspect that there are posters here who are using multiple “handles” or “screen names” and reinforcing their own statements. I wonder if GoComix has a way of sniffing them out and banning them from the website.
OleEddie over 12 years ago
Aslan Balaur over 12 years ago
About as fake as you, and your false rank of sergeant.
Aslan Balaur over 12 years ago
The only thing Romney is future president of is a six foot plot somewhere deep, that would have to be certified by the EPA to contain toxic waste.
Aslan Balaur over 12 years ago
What, by spewing more Fox lies? Right, sure, believe your little fantasy if it lets you hide your racism from yourself.