Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 24, 2012
Joe: Why can't anyone running for office ever be honest about what they really stand for and what they intend to do? Politician: I stand firmly on any divisive issue we can't do anything about to keep you distracted from the fortune I rake in from lobbyists for doing nothing. Joe: Yeesh... I'd never vote for that guy... Bob: Which answers your question.
The#1BoiseStateFan over 12 years ago
Political cartoon this time huh? Honest Romney and Obama will NEVer get us anywhere. (sorry bout the comment, Wiley!)
Orion-13 over 12 years ago
Throw the rascals out! BOTH parties – clean sweep, from the elected to the career bureaucrats – and make lobbying illegal.
killacowinWA over 12 years ago
Ron Paul.
BenderSastre over 12 years ago
Running for “Office Temp”.
BenderSastre over 12 years ago
The original sinecure.
seyleigh over 12 years ago
A simple rule is that no politician will do what they say they will. So just relax and enjoy watching them make fools of themselves.
dr_dolittle_rwc over 12 years ago
Yeah, if you really think someone is going to run for an office in a country that, will ‘NEVER’ get out of debt, and is truly looking out for the interests of someone who is ‘less than’ a millionaire, and again, is not looking for his own payout.
I fart in your general direction. Dream on!!
Agent54 over 12 years ago
I think it was R Heinlein who wrote a short story about the next President being pick by a super computer, but only from a average citizen, of reasonable IQ and MOST important from people who did NOT want the job. This ensured they would do the best job they could and get it done as soon as possible to get back to their normal life. (that is what we need)
Varnes over 12 years ago
A dozen umbrella drinks right now please…pronto…doubles….
Ida No over 12 years ago
They’re all THAT guy.
bagbalm over 12 years ago
If you line all the lobbyists up and shoot them almost all will also be lawyers too. Big two for one.
loudmouthbass over 12 years ago
paraphrasing here…politics corrupts, absolute politics corrupts absolutely
keenanthelibrarian over 12 years ago
“With great power comes great responsibility” Spiderman (original)
crobinson019 over 12 years ago
That’s Right—let’s make ALL lobbying illegal. Then NO ONE can tell a congressman or senator how to vote on any issue..Including the ones I support. Let them just make up whatever laws they want, without having any input from anyone…no lobbying period…
ShadowBeast Premium Member over 12 years ago
It should what the people need to hear.But of course that would honest.
Nelson W Black over 12 years ago
Can I assume the mustache was added to our hero’s bar buddy to make him look less like Nixon? I rather liked the previous look….
Commentator over 12 years ago
I guess it’s up to me to tell it like it is…RON PAUL 2012!!!
tripwire45 over 12 years ago
Nobody wants the truth. They just want “pretty lies.”
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
We elect Congress (and senate) critters who take money from lobbyists, who then proclaim they will remove corruption from government. A definitional of insanity is; continually doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Linguist over 12 years ago
Many years ago I read an essay written ( in Latin ) by Cicero, complaining about the politicians of his day, saying one thing to the people and then doing the reverse while in office. I recall at the time thinking, that the more things change, the more they remain they same. Two-faced politicians are nothing new.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
LOVE the honesty of the politician on the TV! Yet so many of us fall for the lies….
dabugger over 12 years ago
Well, of course this is a fantasy strip, honesty is not running for office…..
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
“Politics corrupts the most trustworthy of people.”Just what I was going to say, g. “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Gokie5 over 12 years ago
“Defenestration” might be a useful means of straightening out the government. (See today’s Pearls Before Swine and the discussion that follows.)
oldguy2 over 12 years ago
Mondale tried that. Lost by a land slide.
LingeeWhiz over 12 years ago
“Vice is a monster of so frightful mienAs to be hated, needs but to be seen;Yet seen too oft, familiar with her face,We first endure, then pity, then embrace.”
Alexander Pope
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
sorry, Wiley, but I smell some hypocrisy in the cartoon air. One suspects Dani has a control freak relative in the area. : )There are 50 c0mments ahead of me and I imagine a few have already unloaded on you so being a football fan, I’ll pile on.
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
If they are willing to let it.
crazym20 over 12 years ago
Yes! Finally a request for the Anoesis. Does anybody remember what that word even means?
freeholder1 over 12 years ago
One of our former state reps ran for office on the premise that he would push for term limits. He pushed for them, got them because it was politically expedient for his party to back it, but he got them. Then he actually abided by them and retired from politics saying he had accomplished his goal. He’s one Republican in the last few years that I voted for and the only politician I’d vote for again.
neeeurothrush over 12 years ago
@omniusjoking, right?pleeeeeze say yes
Varnes over 12 years ago
omnius, put down the keyboard and back away slowly……
Rickapolis over 12 years ago
It is true that we MAKE politicians tell certain lies (e.g. no new taxes) because we won’t elect them if they tell the truth. Of course, most pols take it WAY to far.
Vonne Anton over 12 years ago
The reality is that most people have given up on politics. They see it as fixed, never going to change, and never going to really address the true problems. All are bought and paid for. Compromises and pork additions kill most legislations before it can have true meaning. So….no participation, just endure the endless, meaningless races and their adverts between quarters or time-outs. Leave us alone and let us have our “stuff.” We won’t complain or interfere. Just let us be entertained. No one can fix it….this attitude forced by the “system” is the true tragedy. Revolution is the only answer, but whom will get up from their TV for that?
whitecarabao over 12 years ago
Sad but true.
Varnes over 12 years ago
I am sooooo tired of people saying, vote them all out! Term limits will solve the problem! Hey, I got an idea. Vote for the good ones that you like, and term limit, by your vote, the ones you don’t! It’s not that hard people. Just pay attention is all I ask……Except, Stop, Think, Vote…..
Bill Chapman over 12 years ago
Orion has the solution in the second comment…..It could also help if lawyers were NOT allowed to become ANY elected official – including judges.(I’ve begun to have suspicions about judges in the last few years – the one that ordered Texas? to pay for an inmates sex change surgery was the clincher)
Caddy57 over 12 years ago
I will be watching the Obama 2016 movie soon…as for the comment made about politiians and innocence….the way I see it the bigger the closet the better to hide the skeletons….and Obama has the biggest best protected closet in the US right now…the White House.
steelersneo about 12 years ago
Ever seen Mr. Smith goes to Washington??
steelersneo about 12 years ago
I read the comments here today and 1 thought ocurs to me. If all of us agree that both parties are lying, stealing, sons of beyatches. Why do we argue amongst ourselves. Shouldn’t we band together and make these changes that we all seem to want? Would seem to make more sense to fight the collective enemy than ourselves.