Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for September 07, 2012
when the romney campaign based the republican convention theme on an intentional misunderstanding of an obama statement, it stumbled upon a brilliant strategy. romney could beat any opponent by taking his words, re-imagining them to mean something else of romney's choosing, and then campaigning against that new meaning! we built it the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. romney: president roosevelt says we should fear a syrup shelf. i think syrup is not a threat! it's simply delicious on pancakes! we like syrup! we like syrup! ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country. romney: kennedy apparently thinks you should doo-doo on your country! ladies and gentlemen, i love america, and i will not defecate upon its fruited plains! no doo-doo on u.s.a.! no doo-doo on u.s.a.! the buck stops here. romney: so this truman fella said americans are a bunch of nose-picking spazzes who suck at madden nfl. well, the americans i know rarely pick their noses, and rock at madden nfl! madden nfl madden nfl
Linguist over 12 years ago
Ah, The World According to Mitt !
SWheeler creator over 12 years ago
I love this comic
jazzmoose over 12 years ago
Now that’s funny!
el8 over 12 years ago
His speechwriter must be Emily Litella.
jnik23260 over 12 years ago
That’s Fox News doing the chanting!
Sandy Shore over 12 years ago
Funny cos it’s true. :)
catzilla23 over 12 years ago
GreggW is correct, that’s how we got Obama. Seriously the only difference between the major parties, is which end of the Bill of Rights they want to put in the shredder first. If you MUST vote for a major party candidate, do it on a party line that cross endorsed your candidate, send ’em a wake up call.
Janet Davis Premium Member over 12 years ago
Ridiculous today. I’m disappointed.
pschearer Premium Member over 12 years ago
“If you’ve got a business…you didn’t build that.” That’s what he said, and that’s what he meant. To Leftist Obama, self-reliance and individual accomplishment are just conservative fantasies, not a part of America’s history and character. The context of the quote is not just that speech but Obama’s entire career.
Banjo Evans over 12 years ago
I love syrup
pschearer Premium Member over 12 years ago
Night-Gaunt telling me what I should know? I smile. But your question is honest and deserves some answer.
In a college class I once made some comment about personal independence. To my amazement, the prof argued with me long and hard, essentially saying that if I didn’t make my own shoes I could not be independent. I was so astonished by this complete misunderstanding of what should be a fundamental virtue of every able adult that I had no answer for him, leaving his little diatribe to poison the ears of the class.
That was my first encounter with the idea that nobody is really ever independent. For collectivists of every stripe, the person of integrity, self-reliance, self-motivation, self-responsibility, is an affront, and his existence is to be demeaned or denied.
One thing that is nearly impossible for Leftists to understand is that personal independence does not negate mutual trade or personal relations. The idea that only Robinson Crusoe could be independent (and that only until Friday showed up) is just one of countless Leftist fantasies.
And while I’m on the subject, another collectivist fantasy is the perpetual idea that without government there would be no [fill in the blank]. A Soviet would say cars, many Europeans would say phones, Obama says roads and bridges, most Americans would say education (proving how bad that education is), too many people say health care — but it is all the same thinking: that fundamentally the only source of good things is government or at least collective action.
Since I’m not paid for this, I won’t go into exactly what it is that government SHOULD do except to say its very few functions are vital and actually allow the kind of independence I am talking about. But I don’t expect a dedicated collectivist to agree.
wumpus Premium Member over 12 years ago
According to Republican/Objectivist theology, individuals succeed despite the obstacles government puts in their way. I keep waiting for the supporting documentary on the wildly successful Somali entrepeneurs, who have no government to get in their way…
Dr Lou Premium Member over 12 years ago
Great cartoon concept…lousy interpretation, tho.
androgenoide over 12 years ago
Of course, a person doesn’t readily associate collectivism with innovation either. Without individualism we may not have ever become a planet-wide species.
walruscarver2000 over 12 years ago
Any teacher can tell you, there is nothing worse than willful stupidity.
ultrahumanite48 over 12 years ago
question…does he lie about coloring his hair like reagan did?
yalie over 12 years ago
Mr. Bolling: If you believe that Obama was actually referring to infrastucture when making his classically socialist statement “You did not build that!”, then I shall have no difficulty in selling to you the Brooklyn Bridge. However I will go one further – assuming that Obama was actually referring to infrastructure, the statement is STILL incorrect. First off businesses pay taxes that go toward infrastructure. (Well, actually businesses collect money from consumers that is passed along to government). Second, business owners and employees pay taxes that pay for the infrastructure. WHERE do you think that the infrastructure money comes from? China?