The thing that I like most about this strip is that Joe and Ruthie are credible as kids—at least what I remember kids being like. They say and do so many things that have a genuine feel to them. Ruthie is almost too “wise” here for her age. Dad as a male thinks the moral is to avoid foxes. Ruthie as a female thinks the moral is to be careful around foxes. As a male, I think Dad is right.
This reminds me of a classic Family Circus where the dad is reading one of the kids ( I think Billy) the story of Adam and Eve, and the dad asks “What does this story teach us?” and Billy says " Never eat fruit!!"
punslinger over 12 years ago
Life lessons from Mother Goose and John Walsh!
dennis17 over 12 years ago
The thing that I like most about this strip is that Joe and Ruthie are credible as kids—at least what I remember kids being like. They say and do so many things that have a genuine feel to them. Ruthie is almost too “wise” here for her age. Dad as a male thinks the moral is to avoid foxes. Ruthie as a female thinks the moral is to be careful around foxes. As a male, I think Dad is right.
celeconecca over 12 years ago
Ruthie’s right, but i think it’s kind of sad that she knows this at her age.
calvinsfriend110 over 12 years ago
Didn’t Chicken Little Survive?
hcr1985 over 12 years ago
This reminds me of a classic Family Circus where the dad is reading one of the kids ( I think Billy) the story of Adam and Eve, and the dad asks “What does this story teach us?” and Billy says " Never eat fruit!!"