THIS IS ACTUALLY FUNNY!! No sarcasm, I laughed at this and want to see where it goes. Mr Batuik, you can either make this strip the oh-so-serious Funky Winkerbean (the gone one) or make this CRANKSHAFT! Celebrate the goofiness of your Mad Titan! I want less Lisa’s Story and more Road Runner v Coyote! This time, the Road Runner won!
THIS IS ACTUALLY FUNNY!! No sarcasm, I laughed at this and want to see where it goes. Mr Batuik, you can either make this strip the oh-so-serious Funky Winkerbean (the gone one) or make this CRANKSHAFT! Celebrate the goofiness of your Mad Titan! I want less Lisa’s Story and more Road Runner v Coyote! This time, the Road Runner won!