Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for July 12, 2016
Dill: My brothers bought all the leftover fireworks from that little shed next to the grocery store. Alice: That little shed is so cute! Dill: Then my brothers bought the little shed and put it in our backyard. Alice: Oh, boy! Can we use it as a playhouse? Dill: No. We're widening the doorway and putting in a ramp so my grandfather can live in it.
bigcatbusiness over 8 years ago
Just put the fireworks in a cauldron or a frying pan and they will sound more fun.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 8 years ago
If it’s next to the trebuchet, they’ll have ICBM (Intra-County Ballistic Missile) capability.
fishbulb239 over 8 years ago
Nicely-drawn hill effects in the first and third panels – both leaning into their tasks in the first panel; Dill coasting whilst Alice brakes/leans back in the third panel. Sigh – why did Parkinson’s have to take Thompson’s great talents from us?!!!
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Sounds a little harsh for grandpa, but I guess a cute little shed in the backyard is better than being homeless.Couldn’t gramps have one of the older brothers’ bedrooms instead, and let the trebuchet-lover live out back?
Melki Premium Member over 8 years ago
Dill’s brothers seem to have endless amounts of cash. Wrangling grocery carts must pay better than I thought.
1soni Premium Member over 8 years ago
Return, reuse, recycle…
whitecatinthesnow over 8 years ago
It’s too little to be a playhouse anyway.
Ginrummy33 over 8 years ago
Grampa can go out with a bang