Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 06, 1994
Joanie: (Boy, could we use a tax cut right now. But who's craven enough to promise one?) Voice from TV: Voters! Grand old party here. And have we got a deal for you! It's called "Contract with America." And it has some very attractive features like tax cuts! Lots of 'em! Like it so far? Add to that a balanced budget amendment, increased military spending, and painless cuts in domestic spending to be determined later, and we've got a big winner on our hands! We're talking budget surpluses! Trickle down effects! Rising tides to raise all yachts! Mike: J.J., correct me if I'm wrong...But didn't the country already fall for this once before? J.J.: I believe that might have been $3 trillion in debt ago. Ronald Reagan: T-t-trust us, us! We'll get it right this time! Mike: I knew it. Rerun. J.J.: Nuke him.
Some things never change!