Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 04, 2009
Professor: Wow... lot of material to cover... hope I can get it done by the inauguration.... ladies and gentlemen? Could everyone settle down, please? And put away the Blackberrys? Thank you, all! Okay! I want to welcome everyone to the President-elect's "no drama school," a mandatory workshop fro Clinton-era appointees. In the next two weeks, we'll be trying to help you transition from the old Clinton dysfunction to the new way of Obama. This won't be easy for some of you. It means repudiating a self-destructive culture of narcissism, in-fighting and un-checked appetites, and replacing it with selfless, focused, disciplined teamwork - a very tall order indeed! We've got a lot of ground to cover, so unless you have questions, I'll just... Hillary Clinton: Excuse me? Professor: Yes. Mrs. Clinton. Hillary: Bill's running late. Anyone mind waiting?
Ah, JonD17, and what are the truths? You do have a point about the people involved, though… you must take all of them with a grain of salt (or grains of salt as the case may be). You do seem to have your head on straight. As for you Dypak, let us hope that those who govern us have indeed learned from history, and do not pass any such silly laws (which include, in my opinion, the Fairness Doctrine), and BTW, I do not belong to any political party, but do lean toward Libertarianism. I have voted in every election I was eligible to vote in, ever since I first became eligible to vote, including the 4 years I was on active duty (1966 to 1970), including 2 years overseas. You can be extremely active politically without being in a political party!