Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for February 27, 2014
Sid: Sorry, Prieb-dawg. Not seeing any A-listers who'd want to get in bed with you... The cold truth is Hollywood doesn't much relate to the GOP demo. Reince Priebus: What demo is that? Sid: Angry old white guys. Reince Priebus: Total stereotype! Some of us aren't old! Sid: Great name for a band, by the way. Who owns that?
No hatred involved in Reagansome of us simply love him.Some of his words touched us deeply“This wall is a monument to the failure of Communism”He turned a symbol of Soviet power into a symbol of failure existing only through brute force.“Headed for the dust bin of history”Rejecting the manifest destiny concept that the USSR would conquer the world.“Trust but verify”Rejecting the idea we should accept unproven promises by known liars“Then I guess that would make the Soviets The Evil Empire.”Correctly naming what they were through a popular movie reference tied to the name they gave his proposal we investigate protecting the American people in case of nuclear attack..The man had many flaws, but man we loved him (in a manly way, of course)!