Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 11, 2017

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    Pointspread  about 7 years ago

    Kick ‘em all out Mike.

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  2. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  about 7 years ago

    Time for a house meeting. In the hall. Minus the keys.

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    thirdguy  about 7 years ago

    He looks just like the Fuller Brush guy.

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  4. Airhornmissc
    Liverlips McCracken Premium Member about 7 years ago

    He must need her to be present to get the money.

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    Argythree  about 7 years ago

    Better idea: Mike, leave and take your keys and money with you. Soon as the funds run out, everyone else will clear out, too…

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    boydpercy Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Probably the only passion Duke has ever had is for some type of drug.

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    Rosette  about 7 years ago

    Duke and Honey being passionate… that’s one thing I hope to never see.

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  8. Desron14
    Masterskrain  about 7 years ago

    Cue the stateroom scene from The Marx Brothers…

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    johnec  about 7 years ago

    We know Duke’s not on drugs – he doesn’t have those squiggly lines and spots over his head that are the comix sign that he’s altered his consciousness – he’s just lost all contact with reality when sober. A long time ago!

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    Diat60  about 7 years ago

    “My wife”. Not words Duke will utter again.

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  11. Pirate63
    Linguist  about 7 years ago

    Mike is beginning to realize that the inmates are running the asylum.

    This arc is very reminiscent of my apartment in Greenwich Village back in the day.

    No Dukes, Zonkers, or Honeys, but…. some of the wackos wandering in and out, at all hours of the day and night, were pretty damn close !

    Many became the basis for characters in some of my stories.

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    KnifeSmile  about 7 years ago

    In some ways, with their mutual if varying disconnects from reality, Duke and Honey really do suit, and deserve, each other.

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    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  about 7 years ago

    A hottie like Honey is hard to resist.

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    GaryCooper  about 7 years ago

    Rage is a type of passion, I guess.

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