Here in south central MO, just north of the border with Arkansas, these people are everywhere not just in Walmart. They are white, Christian, far-right republicans. They end to eat white food- white potatoes, grits, biscuits, white-sop gravy, fat back, etc. A movie ‘Planet of the Blobs" could be filmed here. It’s also a big meth area. They really like guns- some sound like WW2 machine guns- and they have night-vision equipment. I often feel like a misplaced person.
Here in south central MO, just north of the border with Arkansas, these people are everywhere not just in Walmart. They are white, Christian, far-right republicans. They end to eat white food- white potatoes, grits, biscuits, white-sop gravy, fat back, etc. A movie ‘Planet of the Blobs" could be filmed here. It’s also a big meth area. They really like guns- some sound like WW2 machine guns- and they have night-vision equipment. I often feel like a misplaced person.