The Duplex by Glenn McCoy for August 23, 2016
Elvin: Boy, they guy in this shaving cream ad sure has a pretty girlfriend. I think I'll buy some! Fang: Elvin, it takes more than a certain brand of shaving cream to get a babe like that. Elvin: Well, obviously. you have to buy that special dandruff shampoo also.
John Smith over 8 years ago
Don’t forget that special deodorant, special whitening toothpaste, special after shave lotion and a special wad of cash that makes any man attractive to women. And who the heck is Elvin?
hcarpenter1 over 8 years ago
can we say losers
GROG Premium Member over 8 years ago
Not to mention the ultimate extreme make over.
Zen-of-Zinfandel over 8 years ago
You have to buy the soap on a rope.
jtviper7 over 8 years ago
I prefer to chew…" Double-mint Gum ".
Here's Waldo over 8 years ago
I’m a dumb murican and I’ll believe anything they tell me on TV.
neverenoughgold over 8 years ago
What about the sultry babe in the Viagra commercials?
wizodd over 8 years ago
Sadly, the shaving cream guy is gay.
Paula over 8 years ago
Who’s Elvin?
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT over 8 years ago
Elvin is going to be very disappointed.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT over 8 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS on your win Glenn. Well done and very very well deserved.
Thomas & Tifffany Connolly over 8 years ago
Well, at least he has a goal……
Marvin Premium Member over 8 years ago
How is that guy?
hdcanterbelle Premium Member over 8 years ago
indeed, who the heck is Elvin?