Canola is the one that used to be called rapeseed oil. Rapeseed oil was nasty stuff that even the livestock wouldn’t eat but some Canadians found a way to breed a low acid/nontoxic version that is now being passed off as nutritious for humans…(CANadian Oil Low Acid was introduced as a human food sometime in the 70’s) The “nutritious” argument is based on a high Omega-3 content. I don’t buy it myself but who knows?
Canola is the one that used to be called rapeseed oil. Rapeseed oil was nasty stuff that even the livestock wouldn’t eat but some Canadians found a way to breed a low acid/nontoxic version that is now being passed off as nutritious for humans…(CANadian Oil Low Acid was introduced as a human food sometime in the 70’s) The “nutritious” argument is based on a high Omega-3 content. I don’t buy it myself but who knows?