Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for November 17, 2003
"On Thursday, October 30, 2003, Get Fuzzy Comics, Inc. made the incorrect comment that the beautiful city of Pittsburgh may have a 'smell' of some kind." "We here at Get Fuzzy Comics, Inc. were unaware that this outdated stereotype is no longer an accepted topic for humor and/or jocularity." "Get Fuzzy Comics, Inc. intention was to give the good people of New Jersey a break for once, but according to our reader feedback. We now see that Pittsburgh would like New Jersey to continue to be the brunt of false, smell-based geographical slurs." "We should have made it more clear it was Sewickley Heights that smells." "Tomorrow: An official apology to Sewickley Heights."
I just looked up Pittsburgh and found a blog that claimed the city now has “dozens” of LEED certified (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) buildings! Wow! Dozens in a city of more than 300,000. They’re making a comeback:)