I just let the sun clear the driveway when there’s any snow, which is rare anymore. The first winter in my house, there was a very heavy snow. I bought a roof rake so I didn’t have to worry about too much snow up there. Since then, we have not had enough snow to even need to use that rake. That turned out to be some very cheap insurance against heavy snow. That rake and the snow shovel are just decorations on the wall in the shed now.
I just let the sun clear the driveway when there’s any snow, which is rare anymore. The first winter in my house, there was a very heavy snow. I bought a roof rake so I didn’t have to worry about too much snow up there. Since then, we have not had enough snow to even need to use that rake. That turned out to be some very cheap insurance against heavy snow. That rake and the snow shovel are just decorations on the wall in the shed now.