Heart of the City by Steenz for April 09, 2018
Heart: hello, sweet springtime weather! How I missed your gentle embrace! I am ready for your warm, dappled sunlight! I am ready for your cool and loving breezes! I am ready for the tweet of your birds, and the waves of your flowery carpet! spotch! heart: though you water balloons...those I could do without. yes! head score! 10 points!
asrialfeeple over 6 years ago
Boom, headshot!! Take that, Heart! Can we take it Dean is feeling playfull?
sueb1863 over 6 years ago
Aren’t water balloons more of a summer thing? I mean, it can’t be more than 60 degrees out, a bit chilly to be dousing peope with water…
stringer831 over 6 years ago
Trust me, it’s nowhere near 60 degrees in Philadelphia.
Jan C over 6 years ago
There’s a discussion today in one of the advice columns about aiming at someone’s head with any kind of toy or sports equipment. According to the columnist, all children should be taught that they NEVER aim for someone’s head.
WaitingMan over 6 years ago
35 degrees in Philadelphia this morning. Supposed to go all the way to the mid-forties this afternoon. IT’S SPRING!!!
Terr Bear Premium Member over 6 years ago
At first, I thought it was a snowball.
SweetieBird over 6 years ago
It’s snowing outside by me northern Illinois.
SapphireSkies Premium Member over 6 years ago
Love the little birds in panel two and the drenched one in panel four.
neatslob Premium Member over 6 years ago
I’m still missing its gentle embrace: snow in central Ohio this morning.
Dr_Fogg over 6 years ago
I thought about bringing a snowball in to work this morning, but I didn’t think I could get it past the guards.
lindz.coop Premium Member over 6 years ago
The horizontal snow whiteouts belie her jubilation.
Decepticomic over 3 years ago
“Waves of flowery carpet”… NOPE. I’m just gonna shut up.