I had never considered the usage of an agenda when elected president of a small organization. The secretary and board members before me tended to drag on and on, throwing out important matters at the last moment and depriving us of time to really contemplate them.-I presented them with an Order of Business and asked for any amendments. None were given, I gave the secretary early opportunity to say whateve needed saying and request whatever needed requesting, same with the others. They tried to bring up last minute items when we got to the part which said, CLOSE MEETING. I pointed out they were out of order and let them fume for a month. It still took a few meetings to convince them they couldn’t sneak things in on us or force decisions by surprizes.-Things went better.
I had never considered the usage of an agenda when elected president of a small organization. The secretary and board members before me tended to drag on and on, throwing out important matters at the last moment and depriving us of time to really contemplate them.-I presented them with an Order of Business and asked for any amendments. None were given, I gave the secretary early opportunity to say whateve needed saying and request whatever needed requesting, same with the others. They tried to bring up last minute items when we got to the part which said, CLOSE MEETING. I pointed out they were out of order and let them fume for a month. It still took a few meetings to convince them they couldn’t sneak things in on us or force decisions by surprizes.-Things went better.