Call his bluff! Start asking him questions while he’s standing there holding onto a live, adult crocodile that could tear off his arm with one bite. “What kind of shoes does he need? Formal, beachwear, running, deck, dress, dancing? Where will he be wearing them? What color do you want? Lace-up, Velcro, step-in, loafers? What materials? Leather? Vibram?” See how long he can maintain the premise.
Call his bluff! Start asking him questions while he’s standing there holding onto a live, adult crocodile that could tear off his arm with one bite. “What kind of shoes does he need? Formal, beachwear, running, deck, dress, dancing? Where will he be wearing them? What color do you want? Lace-up, Velcro, step-in, loafers? What materials? Leather? Vibram?” See how long he can maintain the premise.