Jeff Stahler for January 10, 2024

  1. Brain guy dancing hg clr
    Concretionist  6 months ago

    Fact: Erosion. Because there wasn’t enough water / soil nutrients to support plants to stabilize the soil. "

    Let’s NOT let this happen elsewhere.

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  2. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  6 months ago

    Divisive republican anti democracy politics. They won’t cooperate at all and won’t come up with a budget, while at the same time they run racist liar Trump to be a fascist dictator.

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  3. Question 63916 960 720
    knutdl  6 months ago
    In general, a typical karst landscape forms when much of the water falling on the surface interacts with and enters the subsurface through cracks, fractures, and holes that have been dissolved into the bedrock.
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  4. Grandbudapesthotel cr alamy
    Imagine  6 months ago

    Misinformation and lies.

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  5. Fox picture avatar  2
    phritzg Premium Member 6 months ago

    The GQP convinces some of the peasants that some of the other peasants are the problem, so that they’ll fight each other instead of fighting the ones pulling the strings.

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  6. Gocomic avatar
    sandpiper  6 months ago

    Gonna be one of the worst election years in history, including those that included duels and the yellow journalism [of which we already have an overstock] from a century or more ago.

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  7. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member 6 months ago

    It isn’t Politics that causes rifts, it’s personalities!!

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    dflak  6 months ago

    America is not a democracy. It is a republic. Yet we traditionally held to democratic principles where people are willing to make sacrifices for the common good.

    It’s difficult to be willing to make these sacrifices when you are misled and scared into seeing everyone who is not like you as your enemy. You become racist, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, Islamaphobic, homophobic, xenophobic, you-name-it-phobic and just plain selfish and greedy. Your immediate reaction is to build a wall between you and the rest of the world (and get the Mexicans to pay for it.)

    We have a mental health crisis in this country: Isolationism. People are afraid to have personal relationships with others anymore. To allow others to see you as another person, flawed as we all are, is a sign of weakness. People would rather fall and fail than to ask another person to help them. Yet they expect demigods to rescue them. Isolationism leads to depression, suicide and violence.

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  9. John adams1
    Motivemagus  6 months ago

    Looks like the highways after the Republicans were through with them.

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    mac04416  6 months ago

    Can’t you see how bad the other side looks? What do you mean it looks no different?

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    Walrus Gumbo Premium Member 6 months ago

    Causing a great divide between us!!!

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  12. Icon face rock
    ForALaugh Premium Member 6 months ago

    The biggest gaps were caused by Fox News and the rest of the Fox wannabe conservative media demagogues. Their lies feed the masses, of non critical thinkers, who willingly vote against their best interest because they believe and want to believe the lies. The major media is owned by the same people who own the politicians. The wealthy owners benefit from low to no taxes and a lack of regulation for their industries. Their concern for the future only goes as far as their next quarter’s profits. They currently own more Republican politicians than Democratic politicians.

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    LC64  6 months ago

    And now tRump’s bid for blanket immunity is in the works. He’s promised bedlam if he doesn’t get his way. One of the judges asked his legal team if that meant the president could legally order an assassination of a political rival. Does anybody know what their answer was?

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