That’s what I’ve always hated about Jumpstart. Clarence and his dad have been constantly on Marcus’s case trying to get him to spend his money extravagantly (as if it’s any of their damn business). I always thought there was nothing wrong with Marcus wanting to save his money for a rainy day or to invest it. And now that he has, and is taking the smart route and hiring professionals, they still aren’t happy. Like I said, not their damn business.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 7 years ago
What they need is a little faith in him.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 7 years ago
Of course, they’re talking to the guy who makes more than all of them put together by playing a game.
bluegirl285 over 7 years ago
That’s what I’ve always hated about Jumpstart. Clarence and his dad have been constantly on Marcus’s case trying to get him to spend his money extravagantly (as if it’s any of their damn business). I always thought there was nothing wrong with Marcus wanting to save his money for a rainy day or to invest it. And now that he has, and is taking the smart route and hiring professionals, they still aren’t happy. Like I said, not their damn business.
Dirty Dragon over 7 years ago
There are quite a few stories about pro athletes getting swindled on ‘investments’.
The best advice the family could give would be to also hire an independent auditor to keep an eye on the money.
carlosrivers over 7 years ago
i like the way robb draws the tattoos