The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword speaks louder at any given second..Yep this is from both depression era, isolationist era. But one day Capp agreed to do the captions on a bunch of photos of social ills. He did comments on one after another. The liberal interviewer told Capp the next one will break your heart..It was a shot of a bunch of surley teens buried up to their ears in garbage and graffiti. He mentally compared the picture to the real poverty, and real discrimination he’d been raised in, and the 1st thing out of his mouth was “Get off your butts and clean up the street!”.The interviewer stormed out and Capp never returned to the liberal camp.
The pen is mightier than the sword, but the sword speaks louder at any given second..Yep this is from both depression era, isolationist era. But one day Capp agreed to do the captions on a bunch of photos of social ills. He did comments on one after another. The liberal interviewer told Capp the next one will break your heart..It was a shot of a bunch of surley teens buried up to their ears in garbage and graffiti. He mentally compared the picture to the real poverty, and real discrimination he’d been raised in, and the 1st thing out of his mouth was “Get off your butts and clean up the street!”.The interviewer stormed out and Capp never returned to the liberal camp.