We take down the Halloween decorations this week except for the pumpkin coloured ceramic Sponge Bob. He stays out, per directive from SWMBO, until the American Thanksgiving decorations go out, which this year will be about the 11th. She has already snuck out some little snowflakes in preparation for Xmas. On the 18th and 19th I get to hang the lights and test the lights. On the 20th I am doing nothing except watch the Grey Cup. I hope it’s a snowy game.
We take down the Halloween decorations this week except for the pumpkin coloured ceramic Sponge Bob. He stays out, per directive from SWMBO, until the American Thanksgiving decorations go out, which this year will be about the 11th. She has already snuck out some little snowflakes in preparation for Xmas. On the 18th and 19th I get to hang the lights and test the lights. On the 20th I am doing nothing except watch the Grey Cup. I hope it’s a snowy game.