Aunt Fritzi: UG! I've had A SONG buzzing all around MY BRAIN now for over TWO DAYS!..And if YOU TWO would QUIT SINGING IT for the THIRD straight day....
Sluggo and Nancy: Fritzi and Phil...Sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
Thank you for reading NANCY each day and making her one of the most consistently popular comics on GoComics! I also appreciate all of you who are checking out the new RANDOM ACTS! No hints on the art and fun to come there….but I believe you will enjoy getting to know Ernie’s,( as well as ….oh! I said no hints!) art….in many ways over the next few months. BTW, if you are in the INDY area, I will be at The Indy Pop Con this weekend, Fri-Sun. and look forward to seeing you.
Thank you for reading NANCY each day and making her one of the most consistently popular comics on GoComics! I also appreciate all of you who are checking out the new RANDOM ACTS! No hints on the art and fun to come there….but I believe you will enjoy getting to know Ernie’s,( as well as ….oh! I said no hints!) art….in many ways over the next few months. BTW, if you are in the INDY area, I will be at The Indy Pop Con this weekend, Fri-Sun. and look forward to seeing you.