Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for February 04, 2017
Sluggo: These old VHS tapes I found in the garbage are great! I LOVE LUCY! I LOVE ETHEL, too! I even like RICKY RICARDO and his crazy BAND CLOTHES! TV: Lucy! Ricky'll be home any minute! WAAA!! Hiya, Rick! Wazzup, Fred? Sluggo: But...What's up with FRED MERTZ? I mean, c'mon! What does FRED MERTZ bring to the table? No clue! He's FRED MERTZ! BUT...I'll give you THIS MUCH, FRED.....It's 2017, and I'm WATCHING THIS, and TALKING ABOUT YOU, so I guess you've got it goin' on!
I have a hawaiian shirt collection of about 40. I Love Lucy is at the top of my most disliked shows!!