Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 08, 2009
Joe: Despite the massive job losses and home foreclosures, there's a bright spot in the economy... the automatic pay raise for Congress goes into effect this month... uh... this just in... a spontaneous torchlight celebration is headed toward the U.S. Capitol... um, correction. Make that torchlights and pitchforks. Woman: Finally... an economic report I can understand.
Time out, children. This is a comics page, not a political rant forum. Kindly keep your comments to:
1-Cartoons or cartooning. 2-The subject of the cartoon that day. 3-Me.
Since this cartoon was about Congress, specifically, their automatic pay raise, not Bush or Obama, please keep your comments about the subject, cartoons or, more importantly, ME. It is, after all, all about ME!!!!!
Now play nice.