One of the other advantages of being DownUnder .. we get to make first comment! :)
Great fan of Wiley’s ironic humour & excellent penmanship ..
… & waiting to see what form of political debate & rant today’s strip will trigger!
Climate warming .. food additives .. entrepeneurial opportunism?
Yes dear. That suit will be outdated next summer. Yes dear. You will buy a new suit next year. Yes dear, you still remind me of when I met you dear. No dear, none of those teenagers look better than you dear. No dear, I didn’t see that girl in the itsy bitsy teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini..
Yesterday it was 100F with the humidity factored in and today it’s 54F or 12C! From shorts to longs in one 24 hour period. Sucks the big one. Had planned to go to the air show sneakily by hanging out at a lake front park but too bleeep cold. Feels like it could snow. Absolutely disgusting.So I say to heck with diets. We need the body fat to keep out the cold! Thanks Wiley for at least making me laugh at myself.
Sisyphos over 14 years ago
Noooooo! –I don’t want summer to be over!
Find another excuse to eat. –I know; it’s the Labor Day holiday! Eat, drink, and be merry! Summer’s not over until the fall equinox, at least!
jasx over 14 years ago
One of the other advantages of being DownUnder .. we get to make first comment! :) Great fan of Wiley’s ironic humour & excellent penmanship .. … & waiting to see what form of political debate & rant today’s strip will trigger! Climate warming .. food additives .. entrepeneurial opportunism?
jasx over 14 years ago
ah baslim, you beat me by a keystroke …
ksoskins over 14 years ago
Nothing like dining à la carte.
magnamax over 14 years ago
guess I offended someone. I am sorry.
Hillbillyman over 14 years ago
I did but they still keep coming back.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
She doesn’ look like she ever went on a diet to me. If she did, what did she look like before the diet? Do I really want to know?
harrietbe over 14 years ago
pawpawbear over 14 years ago
No diet for me. Well I did go on the sea food diet. I see food and ——-:)
lewisbower over 14 years ago
Yes dear. That suit will be outdated next summer. Yes dear. You will buy a new suit next year. Yes dear, you still remind me of when I met you dear. No dear, none of those teenagers look better than you dear. No dear, I didn’t see that girl in the itsy bitsy teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini..
Nighthawks Premium Member over 14 years ago
let the pounding packing-on begin… doesn’t stop until January when the new years resolution to lose weight is made
rotts over 14 years ago
MatureCanadian over 14 years ago
Yesterday it was 100F with the humidity factored in and today it’s 54F or 12C! From shorts to longs in one 24 hour period. Sucks the big one. Had planned to go to the air show sneakily by hanging out at a lake front park but too bleeep cold. Feels like it could snow. Absolutely disgusting.So I say to heck with diets. We need the body fat to keep out the cold! Thanks Wiley for at least making me laugh at myself.
RadioTom over 14 years ago
54 degrees F is PERFECT weather for sleeping…
Trebor39 over 14 years ago
Diets given up, body fat increasing, and spammers to flag. Love this strip.
ububobu over 14 years ago
Sometimes I wonder if the spam monitors work on Saturdays.
Iwa Iniki over 14 years ago
Men also diet and want to give it up. Why pick on women?
yyyguy over 14 years ago
i think we’re picking on dieting, rather than dieters. i know i would be, since i’m under tall for my weight.
Jampse over 14 years ago
It’s not easy to look like the tooth fairy on Halloween if you’re not short and fat.
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
Editors: Please put in a captcha!! These spammers are so annoying!!
MatureCanadian over 14 years ago
yyyguy - I agree I’m too short for my weight. I should be 6’6” instead of 5’6”!
Radio Tom - Yes 54 is perfect for sleeping, but too cold and windy to work in the garden.
etkd over 14 years ago
I’m skinny and I freeze in the winter: I don’t have to paint my fingernails, if it drops below 60, they turn pastel purple.