Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 09, 2010
Joe: So why do you keep hiring this guy who keeps sinking your boat? Captain Eddie: 'Cuz his flow-thru hull theory sounds like it'd work... but then somethin' unfahseen always gets in the way. Joe: Something like actual results? Captain Eddie: Yeah. But that just means it needs a little more tweakin'...
T. Shepherd creator about 14 years ago
I like how the cat just sits on his shoulder like a parrot.
Sisyphos about 14 years ago
Ever-hopeful Eddie must be smoking some strange stuff in his pipe!
Superfrog about 14 years ago
Try a reverse cycle flow-thru hull.
magnamax about 14 years ago
Gimme Gimme oh ahem. Getting the water in works ok, but it just won’t flow through and back out again.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
I think it’s time to abandon that particular ship, Captain Eddy.
Nebulous Premium Member about 14 years ago
Wait a sec.. Flow thru? As in teabag? The theory doesn’t work, so the party’s over?
Am I reading political commentary into a silly strip?
RussellNash about 14 years ago
^There is always political commentary in this strip. This one is pretty blatant.
^^Grog, are you saying we should abandon this particular country? That’s the ship Wiley is talking about.
Joe_Minotaur about 14 years ago
A programmer sent his girlfriend a coded message to test her love, but I think that was ASCIIng too much.
lsherris about 14 years ago
Looks like the Flow-Thru Hull Theory works about as well as Keynes’ General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money.
So why do we keep following this theory which sinks the economy on a regular basis?
rockngolfer about 14 years ago
Flow thru = trickle down = doesn’t work =keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Potrzebie about 14 years ago
He should get a subsidy. Every one else in the US gets one.
GROG Premium Member about 14 years ago
RussellNash, some people have a knack for finding political commentary in a comic strip - even when it’s not there, some people can’t make a comment without making some sort of political wisecrack.
Me, all I was talking about was a boat.
aprilglaspie about 14 years ago
Trickle down.
peter0423 about 14 years ago
The fallacy of applying Einstein’s definition of insanity – keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results – to dealing with a national economy is that you never are doing the same thing twice. Circumstances always change, including those that you forgot to consider before that turned out to be crucial.
Microeconomics – the theory of economic behavior of the individual, the household, the business firm – has been established for well over a century, with only minor tweaks and refinements since. It works magnificently, and no one has a problem with it. Macroeconomics – the theory of economic behavior of a nation as a whole – has never been more than an ad hoc work in progress, made up and made over as needed to respond to the latest problem.
That’s why macroeconomic theories – Marxism, socialism, Keynesianism, monetarism, trickle-down plutocracy – never die: you can always point to at least one instance where your pet theory really did work, so just maybe it’ll work again, if you just ignore the times when it didn’t. We economists are an optimistic bunch at heart.
ImaginaryFriend about 14 years ago
Flow thru hull theory, it is not rocket science. It does sound like the drive system in the “Hunt for Red October”. Hum, Sean Connery as Cpt’n Eddie.
gjsjr41 about 14 years ago
You just can’t trust logic.
pdchapin about 14 years ago
Economics 101 - Classical economic theory is based on a set of assumptions all of which are demonstrably wrong. The theory should work, sort of, if you assume that actual behavior averages close to the ideal behavior - a concept sometimes known as the wisdom of the mob.
A relatively new field, behavioral economics, however, postulates that humans make consistent errors, such as being overly optimistic about the future or over valuing what they currently have versus an alternative. If true, classic economic theory will lead to solutions that cause the situation to spiral downwards.
Justice22 about 14 years ago
Just wait until it gets up on plane. Works fine then,
autumnfire1957 about 14 years ago
Flow through Hull isn’t that the cattapiller drive from Hunt for Red October?
ilsapadu about 14 years ago
I was thinking the thing unfah seen was that water seeks its’ own level, wherever it can. But what do I know? Come to find out it was a diabolical plot to say something political.
thirdguy about 14 years ago
Can you fish from a submarine? WIthout torpedoes, that is!
Can't Sleep about 14 years ago
Days like today, I wonder why I read these comments.
RCMinor rants on socialism (boogey-boogey-boogey!) after a history of economics and (eureka!) the discovery of a Tea Party joke.
Can’t you people just say, “Hey Wiley – that’s funny!” (Hey Wiley - That’s funny stuff!)
I just wish I found Offshore Flo’s place when I used to visit my relatives in Maine. I’d probably have stayed.
Varnes about 14 years ago
NightShade, maybe Eddie is using Flo for propulsion? Love to see how that works!
Varnes about 14 years ago
Hey, if his buddy Mike Lester fixed his submarine, it’d keep floating to the top!
MatureCanadian about 14 years ago
Reality is such a pain in the patootie isn’t it Cap’n Eddie?
thirdguy about 14 years ago
and life is like a box of chocolates!!!!
Dtroutma about 14 years ago
Milton Friedman and “Chicago school” economics are flow-through, and usually end up with someone getting bullet holes for the flow. “Trickle down” is the exact opposite of proclaimed as money flows up, and only well, the lower end is on a fat-free diet and gets “sinkers”.
My son’s cats, one walks on a leash, while the other rides on his shoulder, are tremendous “chick magnets” at the coffee shop, maybe Captain Eddy is just “trolling”???
tis4kis about 14 years ago
More tweakin’… Less leakin’…
okeedoekee about 14 years ago
That is the definition of insanity!
This chick does not like cats. Especially the part where one keeps a box of poop in one’s house.
treered about 14 years ago
flow through hull, Red October, perhaps Mike Lestah thinks Eddie has THAT kind of “boat”?
puddleglum1066 about 14 years ago
There are some specialized boats–in particular, Zodiacs, rafts and some flavors of kayak–that actually use a flow-through hull. These are used in environments where the major risk of sinking is from being swamped by waves. Of course, boats using flow-through hulls generally have some means of flotation other than the hull itself displacing water.
ses1066 about 14 years ago
Eddie, your problem is obvious - it only works while you are ‘underway’. Anybody ever hear of a ‘self-bailing’ feature. You take out the drain plug at the rear and the low-pressure at the rear while at speed causes the water to drain out, thus ‘flowing-through’.
Captain, you forgot to plug the hole when you tied-up!
geot1 about 14 years ago
Nuts, I should have seen what was coming yesterday. There is a hint of anti-science denialism as well as the obvious trickle-down economics here. Excellent. All it needs is a dash of religion for flavoring.
x_Tech about 14 years ago
That theory just doesn’t hold water.
MisngNOLA about 14 years ago
Trickle down economics doesn’t work, but it fails less miserably than whatever theory it was that Jimmy Carter was using. Premium Member about 14 years ago
If ya keep on doing what you’ve always done, you’re gonna keep on gettin what you’ve always gotten.