Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 14, 2011
Danae: Whoa, what's this... another friend request? Well, I'll bet you do wish you could be my friend... but I've never heard of you, and a celebrity can't be associated with the riff-raff, so... make friends with my delete button! Celebrityhood isn't for the meek. Lucy: Or the sane, apparently.
comicgos over 13 years ago
I hate when she has that FACE on!
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
I’ll second Lucy’s comment in the last panel.
GROG Premium Member over 13 years ago
I’d do the same when a total stranger tries to connect with me. Does that make me a celeb? Hopefully not!
I’ll third Lucy’s observation.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
OK, now I’m scared!!
Brockie over 13 years ago
Is possible that Donald Trump is not sane?
lewisbower over 13 years ago
BROCKIE how could you say that when he has a TV audience almost as big as Charlie Sheen?
roctor over 13 years ago
A legend in her own mind. Fast tracking part duex. Hire a lounge singer with drum machineto write song. Next, wedding videotographer.Upload to Utube and repeat Friday,Friday,Friday!!!
Miba over 13 years ago
I want to make an avatar out of that third panel, that’s perfect!!!
afeeney over 13 years ago
Agree. The third panel is genius.
Allan CB Premium Member over 13 years ago
LOVE the third panel face! So halarious.
peter0423 over 13 years ago
Brockie said, “Is possible that Donald Trump is not sane?” Is it possible that he is?
There’s a quote about Howard Hughes that fits Trump perfectly: he’s “able to afford the luxury of madness, like a man who not only thinks he is Napoleon but hires an army to prove it.”
Varnes over 13 years ago
Actually, don’t celebs have ridiculously long lists of “friends”? Don’t want to disappoint a fan…but yeah, if they aren’t my friends in real life, they meet my delete button…
TheAuldWan over 13 years ago
Our “friends” are here, not on Facebook
ilsapadu over 13 years ago
Somebody should tell her the “you meet the same people on the way down” story.
yaakovashoshana over 13 years ago
I believe she’s wrong about celebrities not being associated with the riff-raff. Most of today’s “celebrities” ARE the riff-raff.
Dtroutma over 13 years ago
IF celebrities are “riff raff”, what does that make those who worship them, or buy the stuff the paparazzi press is PAID HIGHLY to provide?
orz over 13 years ago
I like today’s strip
Defective Premium Member over 13 years ago
That’s an evil, scary face in third panel. Normally I tolerate her antics well, but the face was a bit much today! Guess that’s the point!
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
Is Danae channeling Al Pacino’s Scarface?
Dallas1701D over 13 years ago
Sisyphos, I think she is channeling Michael Bolton’s Scarface. She is very preoccupied with the here and now of celebrity, and his current resurgence in popularity with Lonely Island’s “Jack Sparrow” would more certainly be popping up on her Facebook and Twitter feeds.
kpduty over 13 years ago
This is a form of Facebook. Just because everyone who comments isn’t your ‘friend’ it’s obvious that there is still communication going on here – a social network of sorts. Don’t you look forward to seeing the comments? Wiley’s cartoons are the springboard but, geez, this is a form of communication. What’s the big deal about trashing Facebook which is also a form of communication…
MatureCanadian over 13 years ago
Thank you Wiley. Absolutely Fabulous! Love Danae’s face in panel 3. Reminds me of a mad scientist stirring a potion.
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Psh. Sanity is FAR overrated. :)
vldazzle over 13 years ago
The one thing that makes sense is NOT accepting those you don’t know as “friends”. I use FB to see what my actual friends who live all over the city are doing, and share artistic projects with them. I can’t be bothered by someone who may share no interests with me just because they chose me randomly. I think some are just trying for huge numbers- while I prefer to only see aa single page of updates.