It IS the thought that counts. The King was thinking of the crocs….The King and his lizard buddies are just having the peasants for their Thanksgiving dinner is all.* BTW, it wouldn’t be all that hard to ship crocodiles from Egypt to southern Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. If you were the King…..
*This is not a political reference, seriously…It’s not……Any other explanation is a croc of…well something……..
But let us not get lost in minutia, the king is of the hateful rule-by-fear variety of leader. Though if the peasants all left he would be in quite a pickle since they sustain him.
Don’t really need crocodiles/alligators; there are any number of carnivorous fresh water fish he could stock his moat with. Unfortunately, they don’t show too often on the surface.
strictures about 7 years ago
At least the crodiles get an excellent Thanksgiving feast. Or maybe they’re alligators, can’t tell because their snouts are submerged.
Superfrog about 7 years ago
Draw poker is more fun than draw bridge although that’s probably a moat point here.
somebodyshort about 7 years ago
HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the Great White North
Dtroutma about 7 years ago
Peasant pate’
finkd about 7 years ago
Does this make the king the chairman of the board ?
danketaz Premium Member about 7 years ago
How about the phrase, “Pass the biscuits.”?
brain Les about 7 years ago
…and in addition to feeding the peasants, he gets to feed the alligators as well….
tripwire45 about 7 years ago
No guards. Just climb on the table, punch the king, take the food, and run.
Ignatz Premium Member about 7 years ago
Also why some societies end with heads on sticks.
well-i-never about 7 years ago
Forget the chairs – I can eat from the table.
Varnes about 7 years ago
It IS the thought that counts. The King was thinking of the crocs….The King and his lizard buddies are just having the peasants for their Thanksgiving dinner is all.* BTW, it wouldn’t be all that hard to ship crocodiles from Egypt to southern Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. If you were the King…..
*This is not a political reference, seriously…It’s not……Any other explanation is a croc of…well something……..
For a Just and Peaceful World about 7 years ago
I enjoyed today’s strip until the king remined me of Donald Trump.
Masterskrain about 7 years ago
So THAT’S where the GOP got their tax plan…
garcoa about 7 years ago
If I were the king, I would be worried about my feet.
GreyMouser about 7 years ago
Anything reminds you of Trump. Sad.
Kaputnik about 7 years ago
Thoughtfulness counts, and thought in general counts. But “the” thought isn’t necessarily anything that special.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
But let us not get lost in minutia, the king is of the hateful rule-by-fear variety of leader. Though if the peasants all left he would be in quite a pickle since they sustain him.
1953Baby about 7 years ago
“It’s the thought that counts” ranks right up there with “S/he means well.” Never trust anybody who says either.
Ka`ōnōhi`ula`okahōkūmiomio`ehiku Premium Member about 7 years ago
Medieval crocogators.
sandpiper about 7 years ago
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and prayers for safe travels
GiantShetlandPony about 7 years ago
Happy eat lots of turkey and everything else on the table day!
keenanthelibrarian about 7 years ago
Don’t really need crocodiles/alligators; there are any number of carnivorous fresh water fish he could stock his moat with. Unfortunately, they don’t show too often on the surface.
somebodyshort about 7 years ago
I think we all missed that the king’s plate is well filled, the other plates have crumbs
Arianne about 7 years ago
Next: CSI
Crocodile scene investigation.
Oh, by the way…
What do you call an alligator in a vest?
An investigator.
KISSARRAH almost 7 years ago
Are those chairs standing on something, or do they just have really long legs?