What you don’t see is the other right triangle going the other way. It starts at 12:01 PM with a beer and starts the climb back up on the mood scale. One beer per hour ;-) …… May the Power of the Croc be with all on this holiday :-)
Rule 13, Strunk & White’s Elements of Style (1918), states “Omit Needless Words.” Goat’s sentence in the final panel is two words too long. “. . .on Mondays” should be omitted. 8>)
Whoa! I had forgotten all about the “mood charts” we used to hang on our dorm doors. Mine had colored regions using highlighters. Not sure I’m entirely pleased to be reminded… that was an uncomfortable part of my life.
BE THIS GUY about 5 years ago
Do you think he’ll be in a better mood tomorrow?
DennisinSeattle about 5 years ago
But Rat, it’s a holiday!
mr_sherman Premium Member about 5 years ago
Yeah, that looks about right.
hariseldon59 about 5 years ago
Avoid Rat. Period.
Templo S.U.D. about 5 years ago
Garfield would let the times on Monday be from 0:00 to 23:59.
cdgar about 5 years ago
rat is my hero.
B UTTONS about 5 years ago
That’s what Rat gets after a quadruple shot of espresso with a triple shot of Irish Whiskey.
Renatus Profuturus Frigeridus Premium Member about 5 years ago
Avoid Rat everyday .
sergioandrade Premium Member about 5 years ago
Avoid Rat every day of the week.
Kali about 5 years ago
Probably safest to avoid Rat most days of the week, actually….
CarlHeckman about 5 years ago
So … Rat’s in his best mood early in the morning? I don’t buy that.
D1063n35 Premium Member about 5 years ago
Typically someone has to anchor the curve; atypically the anchor is the product. However mood is not asymptotic and can become negative.
PICTO about 5 years ago
You’d have to be fairly obtuse not to know that triangles are our friends…
dwane.scoty1 about 5 years ago
Rat’s “Graf Spitz”?
asrialfeeple about 5 years ago
Rainy days and Monday always bring him down.
Masterskrain about 5 years ago
And Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and Fridays, and Saturdays, and Sundays….
Breadboard about 5 years ago
What you don’t see is the other right triangle going the other way. It starts at 12:01 PM with a beer and starts the climb back up on the mood scale. One beer per hour ;-) …… May the Power of the Croc be with all on this holiday :-)
mjb515 about 5 years ago
I would think this would be more of a hyperbolic curve.
Zebrastripes about 5 years ago
Avoid RAT everyday, especially when drinking….
chris_weaver about 5 years ago
Probably one of such days that inspired Pythagoras.
Ron Dunn Premium Member about 5 years ago
Is Rat getting advice from Garfield?
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
At least one part of his Monday was up. That puts him ahead of a lot of people!
YippiKiAyMofo about 5 years ago
The real tragedy is that the scale starts up top at zero.
gnome about 5 years ago
a rat race to the bottom
halibaitor about 5 years ago
Why pick on Mondays? Just avoid Rat.
nosirrom about 5 years ago
Considering the time scale on the bottom, I’m surprised the triangle isn’t thinner.
Roy Lamberton about 5 years ago
“We always feel sorry for people who don’t drink, ‘cause when they get up in the morning, its the best they’re going to feel all day.” — Frank Sinatra
garcoa about 5 years ago
I am shocked that the 7 a.m. mood rating is so high. Certainly doesn’t apply to me.
gmu328 about 5 years ago
You see, there is a use for Math in real life
Phydeux about 5 years ago
Goat has the right angle on Rat.
ShadowBeast Premium Member about 5 years ago
Should avoid Mondays period.
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
You don’t have today off?
WCraft Premium Member about 5 years ago
You don’t have today off? Then I’m surprised the graph started out so high!
KEA about 5 years ago
Avoiding Rat most days is probably good advice.
Snoots about 5 years ago
Avoid Rat on any day that ends with a “y”.
Packratjohn Premium Member about 5 years ago
I think Pig-thagoras already knows…
Troglodyte about 5 years ago
Somehow something about that triangle isn’t right!
Bookworm about 5 years ago
Rule 13, Strunk & White’s Elements of Style (1918), states “Omit Needless Words.” Goat’s sentence in the final panel is two words too long. “. . .on Mondays” should be omitted. 8>)
zeexenon about 5 years ago
Slope equal to Edsel auto sales.
Sisyphos about 5 years ago
Some folks would say avoid Rat any day. Rat is an acquired taste. Not everyone understands his lovely misanthropy….
Concretionist about 5 years ago
Whoa! I had forgotten all about the “mood charts” we used to hang on our dorm doors. Mine had colored regions using highlighters. Not sure I’m entirely pleased to be reminded… that was an uncomfortable part of my life.
all.flesh.is.temporary over 4 years ago
I, too, was confused, goat. I thought that rat was drawing right triangles as he usually does. Y’know. Getting a little wild.