Around our house, everybody does their own laundry. That means men and women alike. There is one exception, that being my Grandparents. My Grandmother is so possessive over the laundry that she rarely lets my Grandfather participate even to help her carry the clothes.Thus, he’s never learned to do it himself. When she was sick recently, I had to help him do the laundry because he didn’t know how (and, being 93, he’s not really able to figure a lot of things out on his own anymore).
Around our house, everybody does their own laundry. That means men and women alike. There is one exception, that being my Grandparents. My Grandmother is so possessive over the laundry that she rarely lets my Grandfather participate even to help her carry the clothes.Thus, he’s never learned to do it himself. When she was sick recently, I had to help him do the laundry because he didn’t know how (and, being 93, he’s not really able to figure a lot of things out on his own anymore).