Bobo: As the hairballs blotted out the sky, the dogs dug deep, deep into their core…
Bobo: … and retaliated.
Bobo: They had harnessed the power… of the bark.
Bobo: And the neighborhoods of earth would never be the same.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, released 11/11/11, is all about the protagonist harnessing the power of The Voice, the “Thuum” or the dragon shout. The idea in this strip, to “harness the power of the Bark” to fight evil, predates that.
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, released 11/11/11, is all about the protagonist harnessing the power of The Voice, the “Thuum” or the dragon shout. The idea in this strip, to “harness the power of the Bark” to fight evil, predates that.