Christian with a right way of looking at things
How did i save the good funnys to computer,Me being Wile E coyote seems i should know that,like to just save the good ones to rap over with my sister
not the best analogy John
His promises dont mean much
Washed hands before using toilet and not after,not setting a good example for the little ones
Yes i remember it also. Dont know how they come up with funny stuff every day,for like this one if you seen them once you dont forget
Dont like direction comic is going,Sex and Love have really nothing to do with each other
Being a boy wearing underpants is more important than if you were a girl
The truth is out,they all get paid for nothing
House filled with love making it a home,nothing more wonderful
what else would you expect inside a sock
How did i save the good funnys to computer,Me being Wile E coyote seems i should know that,like to just save the good ones to rap over with my sister