The company I spent the longest at once spent a very large amount of money so we could let the work slide for a week and listen to bullsh!t from a company of “motivational consultants”.
Then they called all the drivers & carpenters in and told us they could no longer afford our $150 annual holiday bonus.
Of course, the the office workers kept their $1000 bonus, and the suits and sales geeks their multi-$1000 ones……..
The company I spent the longest at once spent a very large amount of money so we could let the work slide for a week and listen to bullsh!t from a company of “motivational consultants”.
Then they called all the drivers & carpenters in and told us they could no longer afford our $150 annual holiday bonus.
Of course, the the office workers kept their $1000 bonus, and the suits and sales geeks their multi-$1000 ones……..