Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for September 19, 2016
Dad! There is a monster under my bed! What?! My God... But... Your bed frame is just a few thin planks of wood and a soft phone mattress. The monster could strike through at any moment. The mattress and sheets offer no protection. They only serve to mask the monster's intentions until it's claws burst through the surface. For some reason it's biding it's time... Some moral compunction holds it at bay... For the moment. Does it fight back its desires with all its red-clawed strength? Does it way conscience against hunger? And, if so... Which way will the balance to tonight? Perhaps it resist temptation because it thinks you're a good little boy. A boy who takes out the trash every Tuesday like it says on the chore list. If it ever discovered your true nature- I'll never forget again! I swear!
If I were the monster, I’d grab him, just to shut him up.