Cards are compromised all the time. Usually the people who “purchase” these cards start small and gradually increase their spending to establish a spending pattern. They don’t start off with buying the $4,000 TV.
My credit card company has notified me immediately when I’ve made some big purchases.
I have the habit of checking my credit card bill online each week to see if the charges are mine. I once caught a $4 charge to a WalMart in Oklahoma the day it happened and had my card changed. Whoever bought that card didn’t get their money’s worth.
I am also fortunate enough to be able to pay it off each week. It’s like peeling off the band aid slowly rather than ripping it off at the end of the month. I get cash back on my purchases and I haven’t paid interest for at least a decade, so I make money on my card.
Cards are compromised all the time. Usually the people who “purchase” these cards start small and gradually increase their spending to establish a spending pattern. They don’t start off with buying the $4,000 TV.
My credit card company has notified me immediately when I’ve made some big purchases.
I have the habit of checking my credit card bill online each week to see if the charges are mine. I once caught a $4 charge to a WalMart in Oklahoma the day it happened and had my card changed. Whoever bought that card didn’t get their money’s worth.
I am also fortunate enough to be able to pay it off each week. It’s like peeling off the band aid slowly rather than ripping it off at the end of the month. I get cash back on my purchases and I haven’t paid interest for at least a decade, so I make money on my card.